
Organization Chart

Organization Chart


Division of Optical Scattering Image Science

的場 修


Affiliation Center of Optical Scattering Image Science
Job Name Professor
  • Imaging techniques through scattering media, Two-photon holographic microscope, Computational imaging
Research Paper
  • Author:
    Shiori Matsuda, Marin Shoda, Naru Yoneda, Manoj Kumar, Wataru Watanabe, Takashi Murata, Osamu Matoba
    3D fluorescence imaging through scattering medium using transport of intensity equation and iterative phase retrieval
    Optics Express 32, 10599 (2024)
米田 成

Naru Yoneda

Affiliation Graduate school of system informatics
Job Name Project Assistant Professor
  • Holographic imaging through scattering media
Research Paper
  • Author:
    Naru Yoneda, Yusuke Saita, Takanori Nomura
    Three-dimensional fluorescence imaging through dynamic scattering media by motionless optical scanning holography
    Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 119, No. 16 161101 2021


粟辻 安浩

Yasuhiro Awatsuji

Affiliation Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Job Name Professor
  • Holography, High-speed 3-D imaging, Ultrafast imaging
Research Paper
  • Author:
    T. Inoue, Y. Junpei, S. Itoh, T. Okuda, A. Funahashi, T. Takimoto, T. Kakue, K. Nishio, O. Matoba, and Y. Awatsuji
    Spatiotemporal observation of light propagation in a three-dimensional scattering medium
    Scientific. Reports(Vol.11, Article Number 21890, 2021)
早崎 芳夫

Yoshio Hayasaki

Affiliation Center for Optical Research and Education, Utsunomiya University
Job Name Professor, Vice Director
  • 光システムデザイン
Research Paper
  • Author:
    Y. Hayasaki, M. Itoh, T. Yatagai, and N. Nishida
    Nonmechanical optical manipulation of microparticle using spatial light modulator
    Optical Review, Vol. 6, No. 1, 24-27 (1999)
  • Author:
    Y. Hayasaki, T. Sugimoto, A. Takita, and N. Nishida
    Variable holographic femtosecond laser processing by use of spatial light modulator
    Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 87, No. 3, 031101 (2005)
  • Author:
    Y. Hayasaki, K. Iwata, S. Hasegawa, A. Takita, S. Juodkazis
    Time-resolved axial-view of the dielectric breakdown under tight focusing in glass
    Optical Materials Express Vol. 1, 1399-1408 (2011)
  • Author:
    Q. D. Pham and Y. Hayasaki
    Optical frequency comb interference profilometry using compressive sensing
    Optics Express Vol. 21, No. 16, pp. 19003-19011 (2013)
  • Author:
    M. Malinauskas, A. Žukauskas, S. Hasegawa, Y. Hayasaki, V. Mizeikis, R. Buividas, and S. Juodkazis
    Ultrafast laser processing of materials: from science to industry
    Light: Science & Applications 5, e16133 (2016)
  • Author:
    Y. Ochiai, K. Kumagai, T. Hoshi, J. Rekimoto, S. Hasegawa, and Y. Hayasaki
    Fairy Lights in Femtoseconds: Aerial and volumetric graphics rendered by focused femtosecond laser combined with computational holographic feilds
    ACM Transactions on Graphics Vol. 35 Issue 2, Article No. 17 (2016)
  • Author:
    K. Kumagai, S. Hasegawa, and Y. Hayasaki
    Volumetric bubble display
    Optica Vol. 4, Issue 3, 298-302 (2017)

Wataru Watanabe

Affiliation Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, College of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
Job Name Professor
  • Three dimensional imaging through scattering media

Yasuhiro Mizutani

Affiliation Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osaka University
Job Name Associate Professor
  • Single-pixel imaging
渡邉 恵理子

Eriko Watanabe

Affiliation Department of Engineering Science,
Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering,
The University of Electro-Commnunications
Job Name Professor
  • Information Photonics, Image Processing, Optical sensing

Division of Mathematical Modeling

滝口 哲也

Tetsuya Takiguchi

Affiliation Research Center for Urban Safety and Security, Kobe University
Job Name Professor
  • 機械学習によるメディア情報処理
Research Paper
  • Author:
    Toru Nakashika, Tetsuya Takiguchi, Yasuhiro Minami
    Non-Parallel Training in Voice Conversion Using an Adaptive Restricted Boltzmann Machine
    IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol. 24, No. 11, pp. 2032-2045, Nov. 2016.
大森 敏明

Toshiaki Omori

Affiliation Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
Job Name Associate Professor
  • Data-driven Approach for Modeling Neuronal Dynamics (Tentative)
Research Paper
  • Author:
    Shinya Otsuka and Toshiaki Omori
    Estimation of Neuronal Dynamics Based on Sparse Modeling
    Neural Networks, Vol. 109, No. 1, pp. 137-146 (2019)

Application Division

森田 光洋

Mitsuhiro Morita

和氣 弘明

Hiroaki Wake

Affiliation Center of Optical Scattering Image Science Kobe University
Department of Anatomy and Molecular Cell Biology Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Division of Multicellular Circuit Dynamics, National Institute for Physiological Sciences, National Institute of Natural Sciences
Job Name Professor
  • Multicellular measurement and manipulation using holographic microscopy
Research Paper
  • Author:
    Murayama M, Wake H.
    Lighting up cosmic neuronal networks with transformative in vivo calcium imaging.
    Neurosci Res. 2022 Apr 20:S0168-0102(22)00114-6. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2022.04.007. Online ahead of print.PMID: 35460729
  • Author:
    Quan X, Kato D, Daria V, Matoba O, Wake H*.
    Holographic microscope and its biological application.
    Neurosci Res. 2021, Nov 2: S01680102(21)00220-0 doi:10.1016/j.neures.2021.10.012.
  • Author:
    Okada T, Kato D, Nomura Y, Obata N, Quan X, Morinaga A, Yano H, Guo Z, Aoyama Y, Tachibana Y, Moorhouse AJ, Matoba O, Takiguchi T, Mizobuchi S and Wake H*.
    Pain induces stable, active microcircuits in the somatosensory cortex that provide a new therapeutic target.
    Sci Adv, 2021 Mar 19;7(12):eabd8261. Doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abd8261. (査読有り)

Toru Takumi

Affiliation Kobe University School of Medicine
Job Name Professor
Research Paper
  • Author:
    K. Tamada, K. Fukumoto, T. Toya, N. Nakai, J. Awasthi, S. Tanaka, S. Okabe, F. Spitz, F. Saitow, H. Suzuki and T. Takumi
    Genetic dissection identifies Necdin as a driver gene in mouse model of paternal 15q duplications
    Nature Commun. 12, 4056, 2021
  • Author:
    T. Tsurugizawa, K. Tamada, N. Ono, S. Karakawa, Y. Kodama, C. Debacker, J. Hata, H. Okano, A. Kitamura, A. Zalesky and T. Takumi
    Awake functional MRI detects neural circuit dysfunction in a mouse model of autism
    Science Adv., 6, eaav4520, 2020
  • Author:
    J. Myung, C. Schmal, S. Hong, Y. Tsukizawa, P. Rosa, Y. Zhang, M. J. Holtzman, E. De Schutter, H. Herzel, G. Bordyugov and T. Takumi
    The choroid plexus is an important circadian clock component
    Nature Commun., 9, 1062, 2018
  • Author:
    N. Nakai, M. Nagano, F. Saitow, Y. Watanabe, Y. Kawamura, A. Kawamoto, K. Tamada, H. Mizuma, H. Onoe, Y. Watanabe, H. Monai, H. Hirase, J. Nakatani, H. Inagaki, T. Kawada, T. Miyazaki, M. Watanabe, Y. Sato, S. Okabe, K. Kitamura, M. Kano, K. Hashimoto, H. Suzuki and T. Takumi
    Serotonin rebalances cortical tuning and behavior linked autism symptoms in 15q11-13 CNV mice
    Science Adv., 3, e1603001, 2017
  • Author:
    J. Nakatani, K. Tamada, F. Hatanaka, S. Ise, H. Ohta, K. Inoue, S. Tomonaga, Y. Watanabe, Y. J. Chung, R. Banerjee, K. Iwamoto, T. Kato, M. Okazawa, K. Yamauchi, K. Tanda, K. Takao, T. Miyakawa, A. Bradley and T. Takumi
    Abnormal behavior in a chromosome-engineering mouse model for human 15q11-13 duplication seen in autism
    Cell, 137, 1235-1246, 2009. Cover Photo
塚本 寿夫

Hisao Tsukamoto

Affiliation Department of Biology, Graduate School of Science
Department of Anatomy and Molecular Cell Biology Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Job Name Associate Professor
  • Investigation of functional properties of animal opsins and their application as optical control tools.
Research Paper
  • Author:
    Tsukamoto H, Furutani Y.
    Optogenetic Modulation of Ion Channels by Photoreceptive Proteins.
    Adv Exp Med Biol. 2021, vol. 1293, pp73-88


Daisuke Kato

Affiliation Department of Anatomy and Molecular Cell Biology Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Job Name Lecturer
Research Paper
  • Author:
    Okada T, Kato D, Nomura Y, Obata N, Quan X, Yano Y, Tachibana Y, Morinaga A, Moorhouse AJ, Matoba O, Takiguchi T, Mizobuchi S and Wake H
    Pain induces stable, active microcircuits in the somatosensory cortex that provide a new therapeutic target
    Science Adv. 2021 Mar 19
  • Author:
    Kato D, Wake H, Lee PR, Tachibana Y, Ono R, Sugio S, Tsuji Y, Tanaka YH, Tanaka YR, Masamizu Y, Hira R, Moorhouse AJ, Tamamaki N, Ikenaka K, Matsukawa N, Fields RD, Nabekura J and Matsuzaki M
    Motor learning requires myelination to reduce asynchrony and spontaneity in neural activity
    Glia. 2020 Jan;68(1):193-2102

Yuta Tanisumi

Affiliation Department of Anatomy and Molecular Cell Biology Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Job Name Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Research Paper
  • Author:
    Tanisumi, Y., Shiotani, K., Hirokawa, J., Sakurai, Y., Manabe, H.
    Bi-directional encoding of context-based odors and behavioral states by the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract
    iScience (24), pp.102381, 2021.
  • Author:
    Shiotani, K., Tanisumi, Y. (co-first), Hirokawa, J., Sakurai, Y., Manabe, H.
    Tuning of olfactory cortex ventral tenia tecta neurons to distinct task elements of goal-directed behavior
    eLife (9),pp. 1-24, 2020.
玉田 洋介

Yosuke Tamada

Affiliation 宇都宮大学 工学部
Job Name Associate Professor
高山 佳久

Yoshihisa Takayama

Affiliation 東海大学 情報通信学部
Job Name Professor
  • 空間光通信システムへの揺らぎの影響の抑制に関する研究
Research Paper
  • Author:
    Yoshihisa Takayama , Hideki Takenaka and Hiroo Kunimori
    A simple improved method using dual boresight cameras in verifying propagation direction of laser beam transmitted from ground to satellite
    Physica Scripta, 94, 065001, pp.1-7,2019

International Affair Division

臼井 英之

Hideyuki Usui

Affiliation Professor